Since the nation of Israel was formed through Jacob’s descendants there has been a plot to destroy it. All throughout history we have seen the continuous and ferocious attacks on the nation in an attempt to wipe it out entirely. The most recent being the terrorist attack on October 7th 2023 which has unfolded into a global disdain for Israel and several nations joining in on the attacks. It is easy to get swept away in the torrent of news and opinions, but we must keep things straight. Israel is God’s chosen nation, and they will be restored to relationship with the Father through the Son, and God will severely judge the nations who have sought to destroy His people. Check out this video teaching from PJ Hanley explaining some biblical prophecies concerning Israel. In it he explains who all the different nations are and how the Lord will deal with them all, it lays out clearly what we are seeing now and will see in the coming months and years.