Your worldview is how you perceive the world and how you interpret that. You can have a biblical worldview or an unbiblical worldview. A biblical worldview will help you understand what is going on around you, it is a filter and you will be able to run everything you see through that filter to get a clear picture of what the Lord is doing in the earth.

When listening to different teachers and preachers, it is important to judge the words they bring according to scripture. This has been the accepted practice from the beginning of Christianity, but that has become “offensive” in modern society. We are told we must accept different interpretations and views of scripture, no matter how erroneous, and never correct one another in love. That is not right. When we use the Bible as our measuring stick everything falls into place and makes sense. Let us all have the right worldview.

In this teaching, PJ looks at different Christian views and how those can influence your perception of the world. Now this teaching is even easier to navigate using the chapters feature.