Why Are Big Revival Ministries Spreading the Lie That the World is Getting Better?

by PJ Hanley

As the second decade of the 21stCentury winds down, the moral degradation of America and the Western world continues to redefine civilization and challenge the justice of heaven. In January, the Governor of New York State, signed a bill into law which allowed for the killing of unborn children right up to the time of birth. And right after him the Governor of Virginia, in explaining a similar law to the media, suggested that it would allow for a baby to be born and executed afterward should the mother and doctor agree. Thankfully there was widespread outrage, but unfortunately the reality of worldwide infanticide is unlikely to go away anytime soon. The vast majority of Western Countries are so apostate and “post-Christian” that they can stare at the image of an unwanted baby and see a tumor instead of a human. But this is only the tip of the iceberg — only one horror in a sea of godless ghoulish abominations that are preparing the world for the Day of God’s Wrath.[1]

For those of us who belong to Christ, and have some knowledge of His teaching, it is clear that we have reached the end of this age. The gospel has been preached to all the nations and the end is upon us.[2]The Master clearly warned us that these days would come, and that they would look like the days of Noah[3]just before the flood. The world would be full of wickedness on a scale not seen since that time. Nevertheless, people would carry on in their daily pursuits without any knowledge of the flood of judgment that was about to come on them. He called it a time of great Tribulation unlike anything that has happened before in human history, but at its very end He would appear in glory, judge the nations, and set up His kingdom in Jerusalem. We are encouraged to hold onto this hope and be excited for our deliverance as we see this day approaching.[4]

Etch a Sketch Apostles

Just as many believers are waking up to the reality of the last days, and the soon coming of Christ, a new breed of leaders has arisen in the church declaring that those of us who subscribe to this view are duped and deceived. Using their keyboards like an Etch a Sketch, they eliminate the fulfillment of End-Time Prophecy, the Tribulation judgment warned by Jesus and the Apostles, and the legacy of two thousand years of Christian saints and martyrs who clung to this expectation and hope. One of their number has written a book called, “Why You’ve Been Duped Into Believing the World is Getting Worse.”[5]In this book, JD King claims that those of us who believe in the soon coming of Jesus to judge the world in righteousness, are not only blind leaders, but are pessimists and hopeless fatalists. To believe that evil is increasing in the world, is tantamount to being controlled by fear and anxiety.

“Many churchgoers are overwhelmed by hopeless fatalism. Anxiety engulfs the stadiums, department stores, and pews. Multitudes are convinced the world is in free-fall, and it’s only a matter of time before the apocalypse.”[6]

To JD King and his Partial Preterist[7]friends, there is no judgment coming, no Tribulation period, no days of Noah, no restoration of Israel, no fig-tree blossoming, and no waiting for Jesus. The future of the world lies in their hands – these wealthy, positive, visionary “apostles.” No wonder they must convince themselves that the world is getting better.  Listen to the evidence they produce.

“From the vantage point of the present, almost all of history’s trends take us in a positive direction. Around the globe, violence, disease, and poverty are lessening. The unfolding annals of history reveal an optimistic story.”[8]

“If the world is getting worse, shouldn’t there be higher rates of illiteracy, racism, and gender inequality? In a deteriorating society, violence would likely be increasing. The statistics should be observable and speak for themselves.”[9]

“With a wealth of accurate statistics on his side, King goes toe-to-toe with the pervasive message of hopelessness, revealing the difference between facts and lucrative sensationalism. A world headed towards ruin might sell more papers, but King brilliantly proves that our world is not deteriorating. It is advancing. And it is advancing through the effectiveness of the gospel.”[10]

If the claim that the world is not deteriorating but advancing is not enough to get you sitting up straight, the so-called “accurate statistics” provided should do the trick. These are the sorts of things you’d expect to hear from George Soros, or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, rather than a Bible-Believing Christian. What about the slaughter of the unborn in every country that was once, and no longer is, Christian? What about the 28-member EU that no longer acknowledges God and has an Anti-Christ agenda? What about America, where more “gospel” is preached than anywhere else in the world, yet we can be sued for saying that two men or two women shouldn’t get married or children should be identified as male or female? And how about the billions of souls trapped in Islam and false religions, including false Christianity? Is that also proof that the world is getting better? What a load of toxic waste!

Jesus a Hopeless Fatalist?

To suggest that the world is getting better and “advancing” is in itself an assault on the teaching of the Bible! Jesus told us the world had already been judged[11]and John that it was passing away.[12]Furthermore, to list a load of secular data on man’s living conditions as proof of the world getting better, is to be out of step with what heaven regards as progress. Indeed it’s insulting! The Bible is concerned with unbelief, apostasy, false teachers and prophets, persecution, and rampant sexual misconduct. These are the things Jesus had in mind in Matthew 24 when he spoke about the world getting worse, and that we would be hated by all nations? Rather than the contrived optimism of the 7 Mountain conquering gospel of JD King and his comrades, Jesus Himself questioned how much faith He would find on the earth when He came.[13]And what about Paul, who said men would go from bad to worse, and Peter who said that in the last days mockers and scoffers would arise denying the coming of Christ and His judgment on the world? Indeed, to be clear, there is no promise in the teaching of Jesus, or anywhere in the Bible, of an advancing world that “looks like Heaven” prior to His bodily return. All of the Scriptures, including the words of Jesus and the Apostles, point to a time of great Tribulation prior to that event, which did not happen in 70AD. Thus JD and his Preterist friends, are calling Jesus and the Apostles, and the early church Fathers, hopeless fatalists?

Christianity Advancing?

“Jesus is returning for a glorious Bride, one who has fulfilled His mandate to go to all of the earth, discipling nations until the world looks like heaven.” [14]

The other argument presented in JD’s book, which takes up the majority of its pages, concerns the advancement of Christianity, which he claims is happening all over the world. While it is extremely encouraging to hear that the gospel is being preached in Africa and Asia and South America, it is not proof that Christianity is advancing. Even if we believe that all who claim to be Christians are real Christians (which they aren’t), and all that claims to be the gospel is really the gospel (which it isn’t), there is much wrong with the statement that Christianity is advancing. What is happening is a re-evangelizing at best! Most of these countries were Christian before and many of them still claim to be. Furthermore, the Western world after two thousand years of “Christianity,” has not ushered in Heaven on earth and neither will these new “apostles.” Who are they to think that their brand of “Christianity” is better than anything that has gone before?  When Jesus comes Heaven will come, and until that time the wheat and the tares will both ripen together as He said they would. Our mandate is to preach the gospel in all the nations and make disciples of the people until He comes. The above Preterist quote is deceptive, since it appears to be looking forward to Jesus return. However, if you read it carefully you will discover that it is about fulfilling our mandate, which has been reworded to mean taking over all the nations (discipling), Christianizing them and making them like Heaven, before Jesus will even consider coming. And this is the great, hopeful, optimistic message that they want you to embrace while discarding the pessimistic notion that Jesus is coming to deliver us from this present evil age![15]

Blind Leaders & Their Ultimate Demise

“Then the disciples came and said to Him, ‘Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?’ But He answered and said, ‘Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.’” Mt 15:12-14

As I write this article, I am aware that most of my friends in the Revival Movement are appalled that I would challenge their big-name celebrities. They will likely chime in with the disciples who were embarrassed by Jesus confronting the Pharisees! “This article is offensive and divisive,” they will say. “We are supposed to be about love and unity.” But their hollow arguments won’t work any longer. Unity is not an excuse for condoning the butchery of Scripture, and the deception of millions of genuine believers, who are being told one lie after another. It’s high time for today’s cowardly leaders to speak out. Don’t you know you are accountable to the Lord for all the souls that are going astray.[16]What are you waiting for? What will it take for you to pipe up and say something? So far, we have the rampage of Hyper Grace and Universalism, the Rejection of the Old Testament, the lie that God is Not in Control, Guided Tours of Heaven, Reclaiming the New Age, and on and on. How much more garbage has to come out of the revival movement before you break your silence? What is it? Are you afraid you’ll lose your all-important reputation? Is your status more important than your integrity? Do you really think you can have unity with falsehood? If you will continue to turn a blind eye to the false teaching in your circle you will be held accountable for the bad fruit that is ripening? Friend, you need to act now, or you will be weeping and gnashing your teeth in the days ahead!

I would rather have a clear conscience before God than celebrity status and a seat on supernatural TV. I am putting all my trust in the Word of God and the one who holds the winnowing fork.[17] Every plant which God did not plant will be uprooted. Every popular ministry that promotes false teaching will come to ruin.[18] The world they say is getting better will chew them up and spit them out. Make no mistake about it friend, the wrath of Christ is coming on this world and it will soon be kindled.[19] When He comes, He will separate the sheep from the goats. There is no apostolic utopia on the horizon except the false peace and security of the Antichrist. Blind guides always fall into a pit followed by their adherents. And those blind leaders who are trusting in the advances of humanity rather than the Savior from heaven,[20]will be wooed to join the wrong team. Those who are not preparing for the return of Christ are getting ready for the reign of Antichrist. Therefore, we must warn them. May they repent and wake up soon, before it is too late, and they find themselves falling headlong into the same bottomless pit!

[1]Rom 2:5, 2 Thess 1-7-8, Rev 14:16-20

[2]Mt 24:14

[3]Mt 24:37

[4]Mt 24:13, 33, Luke 21:28, 31, 34-36, Heb 10:25

[5]“Why You’ve Been Duped Into Thinking the World is Getting Worse,” JD King, available on Amazon.com


[7]“Partial Preterism” is the belief that all of Bible Prophecy was fulfilled with the Judgment of the Jews and Jerusalem in 70AD. There is no coming Judgment for the world, no Tribulation and no Antichrist. The only difference between them and full Preterists is that they profess to believe in the last two chapters of Revelation as future. Conveniently, this is an attempt to claim the church creeds, although they believe Jesus came through the clouds in 70AD and the first resurrection is the born-again experience.

[8]“Why You’ve Been Duped Into Thinking the World is Getting Worse,” JD King, available on Amazon.com


[10]Bill Johnson from his foreword to the book, “Why You’ve Been Duped Into Thinking the World is Getting Worse,” by JD King

[11]John 12:31

[12]1 John 2:17

[13]Luke 18:8

[14]Bill Johnson from his foreword to the book, “Why You’ve Been Duped Into Thinking the World is Getting Worse,” by JD King

[15]Gal 1:4

[16]Heb 13:17

[17]Mt 3:12

[18]2 Pet 2:1

[19]Psalm 2:12

[20]Titus 2:13