“So now, our God, listen to the prayer of Thy servant and to his supplications, and for Thy sake, O Lord, let Thy face shine on Thy desolate sanctuary”

Daniel 9:17

“Now while I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God in behalf of the holy mountain of my God…”

Daniel 9:20

Daniel was crying out to God for his people but, even more specifically, for the Sanctuary and the ruins of Jerusalem…

The city of Jerusalem and the Sanctuary were built on the Holy Mountain, Mount Moriah, where Abraham sacrificed the ram in place of Isaac. The Mount, and more specifically the Temple, was and still is, at the heart of Judaism. Without the Temple, the Jews could not keep the feasts or offer the sacrifices proscribed in the Law of Moses. Its destruction was the ultimate sign of God’s judgment and its rebuilding was the sign of God’s restoration of His people and the Messianic era. No wonder that Daniel is interceding for the Sanctuary, the Holy Place. And the response from the angel was specifically in answer to this prayer regarding the Holy Place and the coming of Messiah.

When Messiah was cut off and rejected, the Jewish people were scattered and the City and Sanctuary again destroyed. However, God did not cease to work with and on behalf of Israel as we see clearly by His dealings down through the centuries. The incredible miracle of the rebirth of the nation in 1948 and the supernatural deliverances in the subsequent wars make this clear. What did stop was the prophetic clock with regard to the Sanctuary or the Temple Mount. The events that are predicted to take place in the Last Shemitah Cycle (Daniel’s Seventieth Week) all have to do with the Holy Place. The Holy Place is in Jewish hands today but is not yet consecrated. No Jew is allowed to pray on the Temple Mount, even though it is in Jewish hands and the supreme court of the country says that Jews must be allowed to pray there. This states clearly that the Seventieth Week or last Shemitah Cycle has not yet begun. The angel said that it would begin with the making of a covenant and that it would have in it provision for worship in the Holy Place and the reinstitution of sacrifices. This would be perceived as the Millennium by the Jews and the individual who makes this covenant with them would be received as the Messiah.

Israel is, at the moment, unwilling to consecrate the Holy Place and begin worship there. This is due to the fact that the Muslim holy places are on the Temple Mount and Israel is unwilling to provoke another war. However, it may take another war to change this situation. In any event, the peace treaty or covenant they will sign with Antichrist will resolve this dispute and allow Israel to worship on the Temple Mount again. Then the last seven years of the age will begin!

The 7 Lost Keys of End-Time Prophecy by PJ Hanley, Chapter 4, Page 53-54

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